Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On the Road

It's going to be a slow week for this, since I'm on the road. I'm currently in Utah for work, and then off to Minnesota for Grandma's Marathon in Duluth on Saturday! Wish me luck! :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dorky Old Man Runner's Look

They don't know what it means. I don't know what it means. Hopefully I have a long while before I get there. Is there a "Dorky Young Man Runner's Look" too? Hmm... =/

That 'Dorky Old Man Runner's Look'

Friday, June 12, 2009

Runners in the Storm

I've been real busy this week looking at places to live in downtown Baltimore, so that's the reason for the little hiatus here.

Tuesday I got caught out in a severe thunderstorm, which was really scary to run in. There was a LOT of lightning, and it started pouring rain. I ended up having to spend 30 minutes under a canopy at McDonald's before running my 4th and final mile of the run. I do have to say that a thunderstorm makes you run faster. My last mile was 6:21... It was crazy - 83, humid and sunny when I started, and 20 minutes later it was 66 and a severe thunderstorm.

So in honor of that run, here's a link to running safety tips when a thunderstorm rolls in... Running For Cover

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Run Happy

A nice article about how good running can make you feel. As my dad always says, running fixes everything! Seriously though, it does help whenever I'm feeling down or just kind of blah...going out for a run makes me feel better. In general, the sense of accomplishing something - even if it is just a slow mile - is a nice feeling. You went somewhere, got somewhere. Of course there are many factors that lead to your mood, and I can't say that it always lasts 12 hours for me, but I can't say I disagree with the article on a whole.

Good Mood Can Run Long Time After Workout

One (wo)Man Team

Literally. Bonnie Richardson was this year's only member of the Rochelle (TX) High School track team. That didn't stop her from winning the state track championship. The TEAM title. By HERSELF. For the second consecutive year! Crazy - never heard of anything like it!!

Teen Wins Team State Title By Herself - Again

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Kenyan Racewalking

Great. Now are the Kenyans starting to take over racewalking too!? Haha. Duncan Shilindwa took the victory with a 47-minute 10k.

Kenya Junior Internationals Shine in Eldoret

5 Marathoners Save Life

Five runners that helped save another from a heart attack during the Kasumigaura Marathon in Japan in April. They got an official thank you from the race director and city's mayor. Scary moments and ordinary heroes save the day. Love it.

Five Runners Receive Official Thanks

Friday, June 5, 2009

National Running Day

Hope everyone went for a run on National Running Day - Wednesday, June 3rd.

I'm terrible for not posting on that day, and not running myself! Oops.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Running Addiction, Yo

Who knew Eminem was a runner? Like the article's much healthier than stuff he was addicted to before! I like the "17 miles is way too much" quote :) On a serious note though, if you don't have the base, it can be.

I'm an addict.

Eminem: Two-a-Day Aficionado